
zhanghui留言給 戲劇 (2017-12-26 23:15:04)
管理員回覆 (2017-12-27 09:04:32)

華視客服 敬上
阿星留言給 新聞 (2017-12-25 19:40:09)
管理員回覆 (2017-12-26 09:13:34)

華視客服 敬上
sean留言給 教學 (2017-12-23 12:50:04)
管理員回覆 (2017-12-25 09:22:00)

華視客服 敬上
Jianye(Tony) Yang留言給 新聞 (2017-12-23 09:52:06)
My mother(Huang Ping黄娉) was only Mr. Yang Jiechi’s teacher in Shanghai Fengyang Road No. 2 Elementary School(上海市黄埔区凤阳路第二小学)around 60 years ago before I was born. I am innocent and did nothing wrong and know nothing. Mr. Yang Jiechi is China top diplomat.
My four times of being put in mental illness hospitals illegally by UK intelligence department(Twice), German intelligence(Once) and CIA(Once)
In UK:
In 2010, the general manager Mr. Chen Qiang(陈强)of our China supplier, Jiazuo Pingguang Aluminum Co., Ltd., asked me to try to get tank-used guiding system from Russia, I refused.(I do not have any relationship with Russian, or any military industry of any countries.) Late December 2010, China intelligence scared me by using detective and army-uniformed officer and attacked me by remote weapons. I fled to UK and reported these things to UK intelligence police(999) and my boss, Mr. Tony Cooper, of Thorlux Lighting Co., Ltd UK.
UK police/intelligence did not take any action, but began to attack me by using remote(long-range) weapons when I was at home(I stayed at home most of time because of working from my home in Rugby), making me extremely scared, worried, frustrated and sleeping less, also attacking my penis and sex nerve. One day at my home in Rugby UK during the first three months after the cruel persecution openly started, my then-wife came to me and said she had made an appointment for me with a psychiatrist in Rugby hospital under, she later said, suggestion from a Chinese lady who was a Chinese-medicine doctor in China before immigrating into UK. At first I refused to see the psychiatrist but later accepted this appointment after my then-wife persuasion. In the Rugby hospital, a white British lady talked with me. I then thought I was suspected as a Taiwan spy, so I told her frankly that I did like National Army(国军). After this word from my mouth, the psychiatrist suddenly stopped the conversation with me and said “take a break for lunch”(a psychiatric reminder). The food came around 30 minutes later. I do not know and do not have any relationship with any government or army or organization in the world. I did everything politely in the hospital, and said anything in order.
In the afternoon after the lunch, another two psychiatrists came to talk with me. I perceived then that this persecution at my home by remote weapons came because I talked for several times at home in favor(joking) of National Army of Taiwan. I told these two psychiatrists that I was willing to take lie test to show that I am not a Taiwan spy. Just after I said this, the African male psychiatrist from so-called Crisis Team Rugby city asked me “Do you mean lie detector?”, I replied “Yes”. After some other talks, the psychiatrists said that I might need to live in mental illness hospital, waiting for the 3rd doctor come to make the final decision together. I felt frustrated and meaningless and left the building to go home, and my then-wife came behind me and said a 3rd doctor was on the way. As a matter of fact, it was a trap and they tried to put me in mental illness hospital to find out something(probably if I knew something critical about Mr. Yang Jiechi. In fact, I know nothing about Mr. Yang Jiechi.) Near the hospital gate, I told the British-African psychiatrist that you could not find anything even investigating for 10 years(because I am not a spy at all), and this British-African male psychiatrist used his eyes to stop my this talking, because many people at one side. In the evening the same day, the 3rd psychiatrist, an old male (a little black) psychiatrist, together with an old white British man(looking like an intelligence officer), came to my home(strange, right?). This old male psychiatrist said to me “Take medicine or (staying at) hospital, and I indicated that I was not willing to take any medicine because I have no mental illness at all. Because my laptop was blackened by attack, so I did not browse internet for those several days. The old looking-like-intelligence-officer man said “Your laptop was blackened.”(How could he know that?). He also said how could they find out if I did not browse internet.(What did they try to find out if I watched laptop? What kind of relationship is there between mental illness and watching laptop?). The above fact indicates clearly that the so-called psychiatrists, who wanted to put me in mental illness hospital, came to my home ONLY for political purposes(political persecution). The old psychiatrist also cooperated(played) with my then-wife to try to find out from me what men my then-wife had relationship with(they wanted to confirm what my then-wife told them before, I strongly believe). The old psychiatrist also cooperated with my then-wife to try to let me stay outside that night. When I said I left home, the old psychiatrist smiled. That night I stayed outside in Coventry, but refused to stay at the hotel they wanted me to stay(the small sound)(details omitted here).
Then the tortures, including sending words to my ears sometimes and sending images to my eyes at night when my eyes were closed, continued(Now by CIA). One day when I was sitting at home, studying English – rewrite/copy a New York Times article(to improve my written English), just as I typed Taliban, UK intelligence sharply attacked my left-liver area by remote weapons, making me scared. In March 2011, I began to go to London to try to complain to UK central government or Parliament(totally three times). I left home in Rugby UK early mornings before daybreak. On the way to the Rugby train station, UK intelligence used remote weapons to send “bird cry(calling Tony)” to my ears and head, and asked some young man to scare me with his eyes covered by a black band(mask). In order to be safe, one time I sat before police station before daybreak(around 4:30am) near Rugby train station in March 2011(very cold)because it was very early, an ambulance went before me for several times(strange?). Another time in London, my mobile phone was switched off, but it turned on automatically sometime I did not know until my then-wife called me. When I was living in a small hotel in London, UK intelligence knocked my room floor loudly. UK intelligence used remote weapons attacking me(including sending sounds to my ears, I did not know sonic weapons then), I was so scared that I sat on stairs and slept in the small lobby. A Chinese-looking tall man(30+) came to this small hotel(I am not sure if he is a Chinese).
On Mar. 19, 2011(My birthday, my last time to London to complain), in the Rugby train station, a police officer came to me(I went to him in the opposite direction). I told him something and said I wanted to complain to central government, he agreed with his head a little back(I can recognize him). In London, I put an A4 paper on my chest, on the paper I wrote “Stop hurting me”(or the like). I stood before Parliament and on the street side across the parliament. In the afternoon I stood before prime minister office(10 Downing Street). A man around 30’s came to me and asked if I demonstrated against China, I told him it was about UK – Crisis Team. A lady police officer wrote down my credit number. Around sunset, a police officer came to me and asked me to contact the old male psychiatrist. I told him I would find a human rights lawyer. Minutes later, a plain-clothes police officer, together with a lady, arrested me with handcuff. The ambulance took me to a detention center(the opposite was a church with a cross on the high top). This plain-clothes police officer even asked me “Do you know what day today is?” I knew it was my birthday but kept silent. In the detention center, they put a 4 digit number note in my room floor. They wanted for several times to know how I formed my pin number and the other password. In fact, I formed this number related to God. I was detained for one week there. Then, one detention center man rent a car and the driver sent me, accompanied by the man, to the mental illness hospital(Coventry University Hospital).
In the hospital, the lady doctor asked me “Why did you put hurt in your (demonstration) sign?” She did not give me any medicine for the first 5 days(around). They put me in one room with a window facing the garden. They used many kinds of remote weapons to attack me, sending siren sound, foot walking sound (second floor) to my ears loudly and frequently, (the sound) asking me to hear low-level song to remember, sending the talking of a group of people to my ears loudly(maybe also other remote weapons)making me convulse(shake violently), then knocking(the sound) the wall of my room to stop my shaking(I saw several half-black women talking beside my window before this happened), attacking my sex nerve(first time with bell ringing at night) and stopping my sex self-relief at the same time (around 2 times), attacking my sex nerve shortly before I was going to see the lady doctor(age around 55) for several times, asking half-white man to walk near me and (the sound)asking me to watch, ……, asked me to say about my work history.
In the first-time in UK mental illness hospital, UK intelligence attacked me by remote weapons heavily. One time my upper body lay on bed because UK intelligence used remote weapons to attack me, UK intelligence used remote weapons to send a sharp and very loud sound to my ear, asking me to say something including my work history. After I said something in the next few days, when the lady doctor met me, she said something like “you are right in this way”.
In the hospital, UK intelligence also used remote weapons to make constant sharp sound at my left ear (The constant sharp sound stopped after around one week in the hospital, but re-started in 2013 in China and lasts till now. After two days the constant sharp sound re-started at my left ear in Foshan China, my China girlfriend, in front of me, received a phone call from her mother. In the phone call, her mother told her that my girlfriend’s sister got a constant sound(耳鸣) at ears. The words/talking(CIA) once said the volume would decrease, then the volume of the constant sharp sound were lower for seconds). Besides the constant sharp sound, UK intelligence also used remote weapons to send words/talking to my ears all the time, even when I was at home.
In the hospital, UK intelligence used remote weapons to attack my sex nerve and forced me, by sending sounds to my ears and head, to make self sex relief(forcing me to imagine having sex with a Muslim lady, I wept but did it. In fact, I do not know any Muslim lady and man.)
In the hospital, UK intelligence also used the sound of drawing table and, at the same time, playing the film of black people in my eyes just before I woke up. After I woke up, a black young lady nurse was knocking my door(the knocking-door sound began also just before I woke up).
After around 5 days in the hospital, the lady doctor prescribed and asked me to take medicine. The medicine pills were small(around 6mm), I did not have much reaction to the pills(but the pills impaired my thinking, making me some stupid.
I stayed in this hospital for two weeks. Just before I was released from the hospital, when the lady doctor was talking with me, a tall man nurse asked me why I like Taiwan Army(国军, the army, now Taiwan’s, before Communist took over China). In fact, I do not know and do not have any relationship with Taiwan or Taiwan people.
Also just before being released from the hospital, the lady doctor told me the Crisis Team Rugby UK would contact and give me the same medicine. The doctor(psychiatrist) who met me in the Crisis Team Rugby was the old male(a little black) doctor who came to my home and said “Medicine or (stay)Hospital”. In my home after the hospital, every afternoon two nurses of the Crisis Team Rugby went to my home to give me one pill(the same medicine as the hospital’s, but around 14mm, made by Crisis Team Rugby themselves, and the delivering nurses said they did not have the factory-made medicine, and I ate it before delivering-nurses), around 10 days later, one nurse came to my home in Rugby UK every day to deliver one pill. In fact, this medicine was available in a pharmacy around half mile from the Crisis Team office, when I held the prescription to pick them up around one month later). The medicine made me very sick and dizzy, garden swaying, falling down for two times, nervous and scared, ….……
Medicine also impaired my thinking greatly. At the same time, UK intelligence attacked me severely by remote weapons.
A lot of attacks and persecution happened in the hospital and after the hospital(first time), they are omitted here.
After the first-time hospital, one lady(Wang Miao) of our Chinese friends(acquaintance) in Rugby UK grouped some Chinese in Rugby to study Bible. One time, their daughter, a young girl(around 11-12 years old, playing a toy(with toy handcuff) before me(handcuffing the toy, like policeman in London arresting me). I did not pay attention to it then. A short later, the girl’s father(the lady’s husband) said to me when he was washing something“say your first-10-year work history”(in Chinese).
It was said months later that the old male doctor(psychiatrist) had been dispatched to other place.
After being released the first time from UK mental illness hospital, UK intelligence even used remote weapons to attack me at the Heathrow Airport after I had gone through security check before boarding plane bound for China, making me want to smoke urgently and making me want to rush back to the outside of the airport terminal to smoke but stopped by security check personnel. UK intelligence did not attack me further when I was in the waiting area for the flight after the security-check staff stopped me from going out of the security-check point. But They attacked me a little when I was on the plane before the plane took off. China intelligence used remote weapons to attack me when I was on a flight from Shenzhen to Shanghai before taking off, making me want to smoke and get off the plane. In order to get off that plane, I lied and told a stewardess that I wanted to get off the airplane because of heart problem(in fact I have never had any heart disease), the stewardess said I could not get off the plane because the door was closed, waiting for moving, after that, everything became okay(attack stopped). German Intelligence did not do such thing, but used remote weapons to send some questions to my ears and head before I was leaving for USA and waiting before the gate to flight. But, one time, a young man(like Chinese) rang a bell behind me when I was on a plane flying from Frankfurt to Amsterdam. I did not smoke for one whole week when I was in US mental illness hospital recently(it will be stated in this complaint statement). UK intelligence used remote weapons to attack me, trying to make me being afraid of taking airplane(being afraid of wanting to smoke on plane when I was at UK home after being released from the hospital the first time). China intelligence wanted me to stay only in China or UK via my China girlfriend.
UK intelligence also used remote weapons to attack me to make me afraid of taking train(being afraid of wanting to smoke on train, and attacked me when I was on UK train. China intelligence used remote weapons to attack me before I left Shanghai home for business travel.
(My China girlfriend, found in a China marriage website after I was released from UK mental illness hospital the second time, asked me to quit British citizenship and to stay in China. She also said if there would be a child, the child should be in China citizenship only. She said if we move abroad we should live in UK. She offered me money before I fled to USA, but I refused. She also said “Are you going to make trouble?” before I fled to USA, I did not answer her question directly. In China, almost everyone would help China government. We did not live together all the time)
After I was released the first time from UK mental illness hospital and arrived in Shanghai China in Autumn 2011, I lived in my mother’s home(rented, the original home in Wenzhou Road Shanghai had been rented out). One day my mother suddenly told me that Mr. Yang Jiechi was China foreign minister, her face was very serious and her posture looked like interrogating me to see if I knew this thing before under, I am certain, China intelligence surveillance. One day in the same period, my mother’s former colleague Huang Beizhu suddenly phone-called my mother, talking about Mr. Yang Jiechi and his younger brother. My mother later told me that the business of Mr. Yang Jiechi’s younger brother was very good. I do not know if Mr. Yang Jiechi has a younger brother. Also this time, my mother told me something else about Mr. Yang Jiechi and his young brother. This is omitted here. I do not know anything about Mr. Yang Jiechi and his brothers(if any).
One day in the same period when I was living in my mother’s home, my boss, Mr. Tony Cooper of Thorlux Lighting Co., Ltd., asked me to make a business trip to Hangzhou, Ningbo and Dongguang Guangdong. After I arrived at my home in Foshan China, I stopped the medicine, my brain became fresh very soon. But China intelligence also used remote weapons to attack me in Foshan China.
Days later, my then-wife phone-called me from UK and said how could you go to Foshan China(你怎么去了佛山?). And she asked me to go back to UK immediately.
After I went back to UK, a new round of attacks by remote weapons began. UK intelligence used remote weapons to attack me, waking me up every one hour(even less) every night and asking me to remember(recall) my privacy for around one week, using remote weapons to send loud “ping” sounds to my ears, sending repeated songs to my ears, playing films before my eyes, sending a picture of Iran bank before my eyes repeatedly(the sound repeatedly said it was Iran bank, I have not been to any part of Middle East and do not know any Middle East people), sending bird cry(but calling Tony) to my ears repeatedly when I was sitting in glass room before garden), using (maybe) electromagnetic to make me see view like going through tunnel, sending sound(Tony, smoke; Tony, smoke; ……; like a song) to my ears all the time(like coming from the refrigerator), …… using other remote weapons to attack me severely.
Strangely, in this winter, a mosquito(looking like China mosquito, not UK’s) flying in my toilet room(ground floor), I killed it and stuck it on the mirror in my toilet room on the ground floor in my UK home in Rugby. When I was on toilet, UK intelligence used remote weapons to attack me(including sending images and sounds).
One day, my then-wife came to me at home and said “Marijuana (Cannabis 大麻) is legal now”. Who asked her to say that? (My then-wife was a cable engineer and has no any illegal record as far as I know). I strongly believe that encouraging me to take marijuana was driven by UK intelligence, or China intelligence but under the surveillance of UK intelligence.
UK intelligence also used remote weapons to send and play very bright films to my eyes(some times) day and night repeately(regarding my privacy), even when I closed my eyes(I suffered greatly because of this). Under such cruel tortures, I tried to use electric bulb to kill(blind) my eyes, but did not succeed because the bulb was not hot enough. I also tried to use strong light(from halogen lights in my UK home garden) to blind my eyes, but did not succeeded. My then-wife did not know that, even now I think.
Because of the sound(Tony, smoke) from the refrigerator repeatedly like a song “Tony, smoke; Tony, smoke; ……”(in Chinese) all the time, I unplugged the refrigerator from electricity(I am certain now UK intelligence used remote weapons to send the sounds“Tony, smoke; Tony, smoke;…...” to my ears). Under the suggestion of the Chinese-medicine lady doctor(who was not a British doctor, only a Chinese doctor before she immigrated into UK years earlier), my then-wife only used this reason(unplugging the refrigerator from electricity) to call Crisis Team Rugby. Crisis Team Rugby sent one tall and slim man(age around 30 – 40)(maybe two persons) to my home and wanted to talk to me. I knew they were making troubles, I very politely and peacefully refused to talk with them. In the evening the crisis team and the UK police(around 6 )(handcuffing me, I was very peaceful) and sent me to the mental hospital(Coventry University Hospital) by ambulance for the second time. (I sat often in our big kitchen room with a big kitchen table beside a big glass door to glass room and the garden, doing business as a home-based buyer, watching internet, reading English, ……., and our family used to have meals in living room with TV there).
In the mental illness hospital(Coventry University Hospital) second time. After the nurses gave me one medicine pill, I went back to my room to spit it secretly(putting it in a paper), UK intelligence used remote weapons to send words/talking to my ears to talk about my spitting medicine pill(I did not know sonic weapons then). Several days later, nurses wanted me to take medicine injection. I refused. Then 5-6 strong men(led by the tall strong male nurse, who asked me about Taiwan army just before I was released from the hospital first time) put me on my bed and injected the medicine into my hip. Then every day I took injection of medicine. At the same time, they asked my then-wife to tell me I could not go home. After hospital staff told me I could be released soon, but day by day they refused to release me. Both doctor(another lady, and a white male doctor) and nurse and social worker also told me that I could not go home. Then I wanted to stay in small hotel. They were also very interested in my saving(in fact, I only had savings of around 10,000 Sterling Pounds). Days later, a male nurse found a small hotel near Rugby for me, and I was released around two days later. I was locked illegally in the hospital for around 25 days in this second time in hospital.
After being released from the hospital, I checked into the small hotel. Then, I went to my home in Rugby to take my personal belongings(clothes, etc.), but my then-wife refused to let me in. I called the police, police car came. But police(one female, one male) helped my wife to prevent me from going home without any reason. I could not enter my home at last.
In the hotel, Crisis team Rugby changed the injection to one time every several days. One day, a male nurse, together with a young lady, came to my hotel room to visit me and told me a nurse would come to my hotel room to give me a medicine injection the day after the next, I booked a flight next day and flew to China just before the nurse would come to my hotel room to give me an injection. Another main reason I flew to China is that I am a saving-money person. It is possible that UK intelligence used remote weapons to urge me to go back to China.
Both medicines/injections and remote-weapon attacks impaired my thinking greatly.
In China, many traps were waiting for me.
In two-times UK hospital, (first time I requested an interpreter, because I was angry in mind but very peaceful in face and behavior), they asked a Chinese girl to serve as interpreter every time I met doctors. One time, when talking with doctors/nurses, UK intelligence used remote weapons to put an image of the face of one of my female friends on my eyes, covering the girl interpreter’s face. As a matter of fact, I can speak excellent English, almost every foreigner who met me before praised my English(I do not have American English teacher). At least one time, an American, whom I met in a trade fair dozens of years ago, asked me “Were you born in California?”
In Hong Kong, China intelligence used remote weapons to send images(the road, moving bus …) to my eyes(when I was sitting beside a road)to completely cover my sights.
CIA interfered with my learning English several times by using remote weapons to send sounds to my ears in 2016 in a hotel in Atlantic county. Over the past two months, CIA has been using remote weapons frequently to attack my tongue, making me unable to pronounce English accurately while I was learning English, and testing me(Even the sounds said). Even today. I strongly urge US government to stop attacking me when I was reading English.
During the first 3-month tortures by remote weapons in UK in 2011, my then-wife wanted to divorce with me, and I agreed. The court divorce decision came around one year later. In Spring 2014 in Shanghai China, the wife of my Shanghai university classmate asked me “Do you want to re-marry your ex-wife?” I said no. (My university classmate and his wife do not know my ex-wife. Strange, right?). And the sound(CIA) also wants me to re-marry my ex-wife now.
In Germany:
In 2013 in Germany, German intelligence used remote weapons to attack me severely, including sending sounds/words/talking to my ears. I tried to make suicides for many times. One time I tried to fall from my room on 5th or 6th floor in a hotel in Frankfurt, German intelligence used remote weapons to send words/talking to my ears and said I would be clamped/held by the window door if I would crawl from the window, and others.
One time I took train to Munich Germany to try to jump from the mountain near Switzerland. When I was in Munich in early evening, a group of men(3-4people) were talking about Remio GmbH and Egelsbach beside me on a street. I did not say anything and left. I did not find a proper place where I could jump from the mountain, and went back to Egelsbach Germany.
One time I wanted to jump to the train track in a rural area near Dreieich-Buchschlag train station when a train was coming. The train stopped, and the driver asked me not to do that. A short time later, two policemen came, they said I should not be in this rural area near the track and wrote down my passport information, but they did not mention my attempted suicide and being stopped by the train driver.
Days later, when I was in a roadside bay in evening(I slept there at nights)beside No. 10 Boschring Road, Egelsbach Germany(Reimo GmbH, Mr. Guenter Holona’s company), German intelligence used remote weapons to attack my penis so hard, it was extremely painful, the sounds from remote weapons said something like “Do you dare to call police?”, I did not call police because of being afraid of being put in mental illness hospital. The next day when I was in the bay beside the same road in evening, German intelligence used remote weapons to attack my penis strongly again, and I called police. But police did not come. The third day, when I was in Mc’donalds, German intelligence attacked my penis again, but less severe than the first two times, I called the police, and police asked me if there were some people beside me, I said no and said only some people not near me. Then the police asked me to give my mobile phone to the person near me(around 2 meters away). Police asked that gentleman if there were any people beside me, that gentleman looked in my direction and said no. Police did not come.
In the evening on the fourth day, German intelligence used remote weapons to attack my penis strongly again. I called police, and the police did not come. I called again, police said they had not found my place. I told them my address again and waiting beside road. Police car came with an ambulance. They forced me to the ambulance (I was very peaceful) and took me to the mental illness hospital within Langen Hospital near Egelsbach.
In the hospital, a lady doctor(age around 40) talked with me for few minutes and asked me to take medicine. I said no, and she said I might change my mind tomorrow. I did not take any medicine.
I asked the lady doctor why she locked me in the hospital, the lady doctor told me for several times “It is police law.”
Next day, they asked me to meet doctors. I waited for two hours. Two doctors(one old gentleman and a young lady) talked with me for around 10 minutes. I told them somebody attacked my penis sexually and remotely. The old doctor asked me if I could control myself, I replied yes. The old doctor told me that police said I was a dangerous person. He did not mention my attempted suicide at all. He also said I should stay in the hospital for several days, I said I was not willing. Then he released me from the hospital. He gave me a doctor conclusion in German, I did not understand and have lost it. He did not give me any medicine prescription.
Attacking my penis stopped after the hospital.
German intelligence used remote weapons and real people to disturb me every night for a long period, making me unable to sleep well at nights(I am a person without any sleeplessness). One time on March 19(my birthday), because German intelligence used remote weapons to make me unable to sleep well, when crossing a road on people-walkway in Darmstadt, I was hit by a car, lying on the street for seconds, my knee was hurting very much. I stood up and wanted to leave. But, strangely, a middle-age male person beside road sternly and strongly and repeatedly stopped me from leaving, standing before me to stop my leaving, and said police would come. But the driver remained in his seat behind wheel. I left anyway. After walking around 100 meters, an ambulance, followed by a police car, went to the accident scene. I continued to leave. I knew clearly the police wanted to make troubles to me.
I mentioned some other things here.
Police in Egelsbach(Langen area) made false theft case. One day when I was walking in a quiet road in Egelsbach, police car suddenly came behind me, and police asked me to get on the police car without any reason. In the police station in Langen, I asked police why you took me here in police station, one policeman(middle height, not fat, I can recognize him) told me that some house(home) on the street where I was living(Boschring Road) was stolen, and somebody saw me. I asked him which house, he refused to answer. I said I needed a lawyer, this policeman said they would release me soon. Then a young policeman took photo of me like taking photo of a criminal in movie. He collected my fingerprints on scanner, holding my fingers on scanner for 20 minutes. I asked this young policeman why he held my fingers on scanner for so long time when he was doing it, he said their scanner was not sensitive. I stayed in Langen police station for 40 minutes. After that, I asked police to use police car to send me back to Egelsbach, and Police did it. Police have not given me any information about which house and what were stolen. A false theft case, but for What?
Another time, when I was sitting in a farm field ridge, a car came to me through a very small mud road. A man(age around 30+) got off the car and came to me. He asked me what he could help me? I, still sitting on the mud ridge, politely shook my head and said no. Then he left. A short time later when I was sitting on a bench in a supermarket nearby, two police persons came and said that the above man in the farm field told police I was very rude. I told police I was very polite. I wanted to know the lady police’s police number, her face showed being afraid. Then police left. Another small false case, for Why?
One time when I just arrived in forest in Egelsbach Germany, German intelligence attacked my heart by remote weapons – making my heart beating wildly and sweating heavily and lying on the ground for around 5 minutes(but without pain) – Murder. I do not have any heart disease.
One time in Egelsbach Germany, while I was watching the farm field and a highway far away, German Intelligence used remote weapons(sending a beam) to strongly attack my left lower-part liver area, hurting me a lot.
Many other things are omitted here.
I came to USA this time on Sep. 3, 2017. CIA used many kinds of remote weapons to attack me. I could(can) not stand those attacks. On Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017, I reported CIA remote-weapons attacks on me to New York police(911) after showing a sign before CNN New York office building asking them to pay attention to my safety. NY police called for an ambulance. When I sitting on the ambulance before leaving, CIA attacked my sex nerve again. I stood up and said loudly in the ambulance back door “CIA uses remote weapons to attack me”, then a middle-size man, standing on the ground beside the ambulance back door, asked me loudly “Do you have weapons?” I said no. Who is that man? What he wanted to cover? (That time, policemen, ambulance lady(short) and Hudson Hotel manager(tall) were talking there). Then the ambulance took me to a mental illness hospital-CPEP near Hudson Hotel NY central park. In the hospital Dr. Andersen Matthew, a psychiatrist, talked with me in detail. After the talks, Dr. Andersen Matthew said to me “this is criminal(investigation into CIA or others)”. He asked me to see other psychiatrists in Metropolitan Hospital New York next day.
After talking very briefly with one old lady psychiatrist in Metropolitan Hospital New York next day on Oct. 4, the Metropolitan Hospital ordered me to stay in their mental illness ward without leaving being allowed(a very strong lady nurse standing before me, and I sat quietly and politely).
In a first-floor big room before going to the 5th(maybe) floor ward, a lady doctor(age 30+) came to me and talked with me for a few seconds. A male nurse wanted to collect my blood, but I refused politely and quietly. A lady nurse(or doctor) came to me and talked with me for seconds. At that time, I understood completely that they would force me to stay in the hospital. I stood up and went to the doctor window to tell doctors politely that I do not have mental illness. Doctors and nurses ignored me. Then, the male nurse, followed by some other people, came to me and forced me to take a medicine injection. After the injection, I was in a half coma state(having lost consciousness in half). Then, the male nurse collected my blood, and I could not resist(it is a crime). After the male nurse withdrew the needle from my left arm, he, without gloves, four-folded the cotton pat and put it on the collecting-blood point on my left arm(That is why I refused the male nurse to collect my blood – transmitting viruses and disease, a bad practice many doctors and nurses did in Western World).
As stated above, the doctors and nurses obviously knew I do not have any mental illness but forced me to stay in mental illness ward(hospital). Who authorized them to do that? Is this a democratic and rule-of-law country?
I was locked illegally in the hospital for one whole week(From Wednesday Oct. 4 to the next Wednesday Oct. 11).
The second day(Oct. 5) in the hospital ward, I saw the patient’s rights on wall and knew patients can appeal to court judge to be released(A judge must meet me within 5 days). One experienced lady patient told me if I would write a release application to court judge today(Thursday), I could meet a judge on Monday to be released immediately. I wrote an application(the same day on Oct. 5 and delivered it to a nurse right away(Thursday Oct. 5). Strangely, late afternoon the next day(around 6pm, Friday Oct. 6), a male nurse came to me and asked me to change the date on my court application from Oct. 5 to Oct. 6. (Strange, right?). I refused politely. I wrote and delivered the application on Thursday Oct. 5, and a judge must meet me in court on Tuesday Oct. 10 the latest, according to the patient’s rights(within 5 days, the patient’s rights do not say weekend or holiday can be deducted). But the judge did not meet me on Tuesday on Oct. 10. On Oct. 10, Dr. Green told me I would be released next day, Wednesday Oct. 11. (It seems they made this illegal hospital detention intentionally and might already plan to release me only on Wednesday Oct. 11. That is why the male nurse asked me to change the date of court application from Oct. 5 to Oct. 6.)
In the hospital ward(first day or second day), Dr. Green talked with me in a room for around 30 minutes together with several medical students. I told them somethings that have happened.
In the hospital ward in this one whole week, nurses casually asked me to take medicine for totally three times, and I refused politely. Doctor Green mentioned to me casually on around the 3rd day that I should take medicine.
I have not taken any medicine in the hospital ward, and nobody forced me to take any medicine.
In the hospital ward, CIA continued to use remote weapons to attack me, sending sounds/words/talking to my ears 24 hours every day(from my waking to my sleeping), and detecting my thinking and thoughts, etc.
Maybe Dr. Green does not know remote weapons(sonic, and others). My head was scanned in the hospital and no bug(electronic chip) was found in my ears or head. Dr. Green only talked with me once just after I was forced into the hospital ward. Dr. Green did not meet and talk with me before I was discharged from the hospital. I met her on the corridor and wanted to tell her something about my suffering, she seemed afraid to hear that, according to her face and posture. Dr. Green has not given me any written conclusion. The day I was discharged from the hospital, I went to her and asked her for the conclusion, she just said “the words/talking are your own, nobody watching you, and you are fine'. I talked to a young male medical student, he said medicine could reduce the level of the sound/words/talking in my ears. He also said if I call police again, they would send and put me in another hospital. No prescription was issued when I was discharged from the hospital. And it is strange that the talking/words in my ears disappeared on the day of my being discharged from the hospital, but returned next day. Before leaving the hospital, one of Indonesia nurse students, who both attended Dr. Green’s closed-door meeting, told me in the ward that it was mental assessment(after the severe persecution) assessing my mental stability before the persecution is finished, after I told them briefly about cruel persecution on me. One nurse told me I do not need to pay any hospital bill and gave me a voucher for bus/train ticket and I did not use it. It is obvious now CIA uses mental illness hospital to threaten me.
CIA continues to use remote weapons to attack me, sending sounds/words/talking to my ears 24 hours every day, attacking my sex nerve and at the same time using remote weapons and disturbing word/talking to stop my sex self relief, attacking my tongue when I was reading English, detecting my thinking and thoughts, influencing and changing my thinking and thoughts and behaviors and speaking greatly, ……..
On Oct. 24, 2017, I reported the case of CIA using remote weapons to attack me and making me vomit strongly(explosive bursts) in Newark, and other remote-weapons cruel attacks on me to Mr. Jeff Sessions(Attorney General of USA) by UPS. The Department of Justice received it at 9:45am Oct. 25, 2017. But NO any person or FBI has contacted me till now. Mr. Sessions, the top cop USA, should have taken actions to protect me – an innocent person who did nothing wrong. Department of Justice should contact me.
On Oct. 24, 2017, I have also mailed a copy of the letter(to Jeff Sessions) to US Ambassador to UN Ms. Nikki Haley by UPS. This letter arrived in United States Mission to the UN at 10:18am Oct. 25, 2017.
I strongly condemn the US government continuing using remote weapons to attack me so cruelly, including sending sounds/words/talking to my ears 24 hours every day and attacking my head frequently, influencing and changing my thinking and thoughts and behaviors and speaking greatly, detecting my thinking and thoughts, making me forget things greatly, attacking my sex(process-peak) nerve and stopping my self sex relief, attacking my tongue when I learn English, attacking my tongue when I speak English with others, and others, and threatening me. Mr. Jeff Sessions, the top cop, should have contacted me, the victim, immediately after I reported it to him(on the UPS address bill, “Reporting a serious crime” was clearly written).

Other topics:
Mental medicines/injections must not be abused.
In UK mental illness ward, patients can only appeal hospital detention to hospital committee, if failed in appeal, the patient will be put in hospital ward for six months(if I did not read mistakenly the leaflet in UK mental illness hospital). It must be changed to - mental illness patients can appeal to court judges. This can partly prevent abusing mental illness hospitals.
Jianye(Tony) Yang tonyyangus@gmail.com 973 941 5383 My British passport: 099184556

Extremely cruelly torturing me for 7 years(every day and almost any time) using remote weapons(constant sounds in my left ear which lasts till now, remote sonic devices sending chatting/talking to my ears, repeated songs, remote sexual attack(attacking my sex nerve(sex process-peak nerve)) frequently, stopping my sex self relief, detecting my thinking and thoughts, changing and influencing my thinking and thoughts and behaviors and speaking greatly, attacking my tongue when I am reading English(CIA does), playing films before my eyes frequently- even when my eyes were closed I could still see such films, other remote methods, testing me for their remote weapons) by the intelligence departments of USA, UK, Germany, China, Taiwan, France, Netherland, Mexico, Japan.
Mr. Yang Jiechi was one of mother’s students in Shanghai Fengyang Road No. 2 Elementary School(上海市黄埔区凤阳路第二小学)around 60 years ago before I was born. In fact, I do not know him at all. Mr. Yang is ten years older than me according to public media. Mr. Yang Jiechi is a China State Councilor in charge of China diplomacy(the top diplomat) now.
Some agency has changed my return flight:
I arrived in Newark International Airport USA on Sep. 3 from Taipei Taiwan by United 872(Taipei to San Francisco) and United 237(San Francisco to Newark International Airport), and had booked the return flights and should have left Newark International Airport for Taipei Taiwan on Oct. 3 with United 637(Newark to San Francisco) and United 871(San Francisco to Taipei). Without my knowledge, some agency has cancelled my return flights before departure of the first return flight(Newark International Airport to San Francisco). I booked the tickets via Orbitz.com which told me that my return flights had been cancelled directly through United Airlines. Nobody had known my come and return flights except for intelligence agencies.
CIA has been using remote weapons to send sound/words/talking to my ears and head, using remote weapons to attack my head, making me forget many things, ……….
I strongly condemn US government and urge US government to stop using remote weapons to send sound/words/talking to my ears and head, to detect my thoughts and thinking, to attack my sex nerve(sex process-peak nerve), to play films before my eyes, to attack my tongue when I read English, to test me for their remote weapons, …….., which makes me suffer and hurt me so deeply!
The following are some things that have happened in this cruel torture case:
One time when I was sitting alone at home in Foshan China before this case openly started in December 2010, I suddenly heard a small voice in my ears, which said “central government official(s) care about you”(This means in Chinese that top Chinese leaders care about me). In fact, I have not known any government officials except for some junior Shanghai local officials who were my classmates in University of Luton in 2001 to 2002.
Once at home in 2010 when I had dinner with my then-wife Shuhong Li before this case openly started, she hinted and lured me to join an organization(an intelligence agency I think) which would pay children teaching fees and others, I did not pay attention to it and was not alerted by it because she was an engineer in China and a sales lady in UK and had not done anything wrong before as far as I knew. I strongly believe China intelligence or UK’s or both asked her to do that.
Shuhong Li, my wife from 1988 until the 11th October 2012(according to Coventry County Court decree on our divorce), was a cable engineer in China from 1992 to 2000, and now is a sales person with Intras Co., Ltd UK. Shuhong Li mobile number: +44 – 7525614211
During the first 3-month persecution, my then-wife wanted to divorce with me, and I agreed – giving me pressure. The court divorce decision came around one year later. In Spring 2014 in Shanghai China, the wife of my Shanghai university classmate asked me “Do you want to re-marry your ex-wife?” I said no. (My university classmate and his wife do not know my then-wife.). And the sound(CIA) also wants me to re-marry my then-wife now.
I have served as a part-time-employed home-based buyer for more than 10 years with Thorlux Lighting Co. Ltd. which is situated in United Kingdom. In 2010, we bought some mechanical parts from a China paramilitary plant called Jaozuo Pingguang Aluminum Co., Ltd., in which my then sister-in-law works, in Jaozuo China. For one order, my then-sister-in-law wanted to increase the price by more than 10% for one part because it was relatively complicated, and I refused her request because 10% hike was too much. Then we had some quarrels for some days and order delivery was delayed. I strongly believe that my managers, Mr. Tony Cooper and Mr. Mark James knew this thing via their talking and behaviors during my meeting with them although I had not told them the situation of price increase request from China Jaozuo Pingguang even in this meeting. Tony Cooper normally asked me to the company and talked with him in his office once a year(or less).
Tony Cooper: The manufacturing director with Thorlux Lighting Co., Ltd. I report to him directly according to contract. His office tel: +44-1527-583-200. His mobile: +44-7767273017.
Mark James: The purchasing manager with Thorlux Lighting Co., Ltd. I do not know his mobile phone number, and only met him once.
In one telephone conversation in 2010 with the general manager of Jaozuo Pingguang Aluminum Co., Ltd China, Mr. Chen Qiang(陈强), about this price increase dispute, he asked me to try to get some guiding system, which could be used in tanks, from Russia and said their group company would buy it from me. I told him that I did civilian products only. As a matter of fact, I have not known and have not done any military product trade and do not know any Russian people. (I reported this thing to UK police in early 2011 after some other persecutions happened in China and UK, but the two UK police officers, in charge of intelligence according to 999, did nothing. I also reported this thing and some other suffering in China to Tony Cooper before the main and much more cruel tortures happened. Tony Cooper asked me then on phone “Are you safe now?”
I am innocent and did nothing wrong.
In the whole of this case, UK intelligence has known and participated from the beginning till now, I am certain.
After returning to home in UK in late December 2010 from a trip to China to renew my China driver license(in China during this trip I was also attacked by China army intelligence using remote weapons), I was attacked remotely by UK intelligence with constant sharp sound at my left ear in the UK mental illness, remote sonic devices sending chatting/talking to my ears, repeated songs, remote sexual attack, playing films before my eyes - even when my eyes were closed I could still see such films, and other remote methods, after I reported the things that happened in China and the thing mentioned above to UK intelligence police. One day, my then-wife, Shuhong Li, came to me when I was in the kitchen. She told me that marijuana(Cannabis 大麻)was legal then - inducing me to take marijuana. My then-wife and now ex-wife, Ms. Shuhong Li is a lady who always observed law without any misconducts I have found. I strongly believe that encouraging me to take marijuana was driven by UK intelligence, or China intelligence but under the surveillance of UK intelligence.
Also in UK. Shortly before this case openly started, almost every time my wife and I went to ASDA, a superstore, to buy foods, we would meet a then-strange Chinese lady who stood not far from us. We later knew she was a Chinese-medicine doctor and a new immigrant from China. Her husband was a native Britain. She once had a small clinic there for a short period. She and her husband bought a house in Cawston Rugby UK, a residential area we lived, shortly before we first met her. I strongly believe she had relationship with China and/or UK intelligence, the detailed evidences I can provide later. It is obvious she joined and induced my wife to politically persecute me.
Ms. Miao Wang(surname: 汪, 07894316058, living in 27 David Rd, Bilton, Rugby, CV22 7PX, UK) was then a doctorate student in University of Newcastle, co-founded an once-a-week Bible study group for Chinese in Rugby UK. Her husband was a Chinese graduating from a university in Nanjing China with a doctorate degree. Ms. Miao Wang once said they had UK permanent residence permit but would not join UK citizenship. Ms. Miao Wang met and talked with my then-wife Shuhong Li a fixed one and a half hour every Saturday. Her husband said to me when he was washing something “say your first-10-year work history”(in Chinese), after I was first released from mental illness hospital in UK.
Mr. Arxiang Li(李阿祥, 07957625678, 01788-552048 UK, we called him Arxiang(阿祥), his surname may be Li). Mr. Arxiang was a Chinese take-away owner in Rugby and another co-founder of this Bible study group for Chinese in Rugby. I first met him in a garden shop shortly before the persecution openly started, and found him after the persecution openly started and I was discharged from the mental illness hospital(Coventry University Hospital UK) for the first time.
Before leaving the hospital for second time, both my then-wife and hospital said I could not enter my home, and I had to stay in hotel – their intention was to let me go to China where a lot of traps waiting for me. I called UK police then, and the police also stopped me from entering my home.
One time when I asked my ex-wife to send my clothes and others to me when I was waiting miles away, my ex-wife said I should report to Mr. Arxiang first for his approval. After calling Mr. Arxiang and having gotten his approval, my ex-wife drove my personal belongings to me.
One time on Mr. Arxiang’s van, he asked me if I was sensitive to electromagnetic.
One day at my home in Rugby UK during the first three months after the cruel persecution openly started, my then-wife came to me and said she had made an appointment for me with a psychiatrist in Rugby hospital under, she later said, suggestion from that Chinese-medicine lady doctor. She also said that her colleague asked her to contact Crisis Team Rugby.
The Chinese-medicine(doctor, China) lady(living in Cawston Rugby UK), I am certain she was helping China or UK intelligence then.
I am certain the old man, coming to my home in Rugby UK(indicated in the “Evidence” ) with the old psychiatrist in that evening must be a UK intelligence agent or helping UK intelligence then. He knew my laptop had been blackened, and said how could they find out if I did not browse internet.
The old psychiatrist(working then for Rugby crisis team), coming to my home in that evening, must be a UK intelligence agent or helping UK intelligence then.

In the first-time hospital, UK intelligence used remote weapons to attack my sex nerve and forced me, by sending sounds to my ears and head, to make self sex relief(forcing me to imagine having sex with a Muslim lady, I wept but did it. In fact, I do not know any Muslim lady and man.)
The medicines made me feel dizzy, garden swaying, falling down for two times, nervous and scared…….
The medicines greatly impaired me thinking.
US intelligence is attacking my head now severely.
On Oct. 14, Beginning from around 2:30pm(according to my email time record), just after I came out of Whole Food store Newark, CIA or FBI began to use remote weapons attack my head and stomach seriously, causing my headache and sick(once feeling dizzy). The situation lasted to around 3pm after I got back at my room(Rm 712, Best Western Plus Robert Treat Hotel, Newark, NJ), suddenly the attack on my head and stomach intensified more strongly, making me vomit(explosive burst) for several times within around 5 minutes. Just after I opened my room door, I vomited last time, at least one of the two cleaners saw that. Shortly after that, two hotel men knocked on my door and asked me if I was okay, I said I was okay, then they said they would ask someone to clean the floor, but no floor clean people came until I checked out the hotel on Oct. 18, 2017. I took some photos of vomit materials on the floor and collected some samples of vomit materials from the floor after I vomited. I did not report to police then because the sound threatened me with saying that the police would put me in mental illness hospital again.
(I think CIA made this serious crime, but the sound(to my ears and head then) told me they were FBI)
In Germany:
Guenter Holona: Reimo company owner, my former business partner.
Guenter Holona office tel: +49-6103-4005 (his mobile phone: 01726983606)
Reimo GmbH: Reimo Reisemobil-Center, Am Rotböll 17-19, 64331 Weiterstadt, Germany.
After this severe percussion openly started, one day in Mr. Guenter Holona’s office, he asked me “why I want to marry(or have) a Ukraine(or Russian) lady?” while he was listening to his mobile phone, I replied I want to have some babies with her. As a matter of fact, I do not know any Ukraine(or Russian) lady, I might say something like this when having a casual talk with one colleague before.
Also one day after this severe persecution openly started, Mr. Guenter Holona paid one-day hotel fee for me to live in a hotel near Reimo GmbH called Johanneshof, the hotel manager arranged me to live in the first room without room number(for staff maybe). At the midnight, German intelligence used remote weapons to attack me and forced me to say that around 10 of my relatives were spy – one by one.
In one morning (another day), just after waking up on one bed in that first room in Johanneshof Hotel, I found my bed was swaying. I almost never have any dream at night.
In the same morning before Guenter Holona’s office door(the door was opened), I did not talked to him and just stood there for minutes, Guenter Holona suddenly swung his arm and rudely asked me to leave his company.
In the afternoon at the same day, I went to Remio’s meeting room to say goodbye to Guenter Holona and hug him, I was weeping, and Guenter Holona said to me it would be over.
Guenter Holona is my only good friend in Europe
Next time fleeing to Germany, in Guenter Holona’s office, he took up his work notebook and a pen from his table and came to me, and then putting his notebook and the pen on the table before me, waiting for me to say something(I did not work with him then).
Maybe another day in his office, I asked him to find a job for me, Guenter Holona told me he only knew that there were a Chinese company not far from Reimo – asking me to contact that Chinese company. I was silent then, and did not go to that Chinese company.
Also some day, Guenter Holona told me he would meet two people on Sunday(maybe Saturday) after I asked him to find a job for me.
Maybe also another day in his office, Guenter Holona asked me to put an advertisement on newspaper for looking for a job.
Every time in Germany, Guenter Holona paid one-day rent for me to live in Johanneshof Hotel.
On day in Guenter Holona’s car, he asked me if I need some money, I told him “No“ ”I would like to rely on myself”.
German intelligence used remote sonic devices/sending images before my eyes to ask me and try to find out when China intelligence started to investigate me because of China top diplomat Yang Jiechi. German intelligence used remote weapons to send image “92(year)” to my eyes.
German intelligence wanted to know from me who knew Yang Jiechi in my Shanghai home Wenzhou Road.
Before I fled to USA and after I knew I would not come to Germany again, German intelligence used remote weapons to ask me “You would not say the things (they asked me about Yang Jiechi)”, I replied quietly within my body “Yes, I will not”. I was living in forest then for months. As a matter of fact, I do not know anything about Yang Jiechi.
China ladies went around me much frequently than before during this period in an Egelsbach big supermarket.
Jiazhu Yang(杨佳珠): One of my cousin, female, Canadian citizen(immigrated from Beijing China), once living in USA with her husband.
One time when I talked with her on phone on a USA train and tried to borrow USD 1,000 from her, she repeatedly wanted to know my privacy(girlfriends I have ever had). I tried to go around and refused to answer this question. She repeated said she was not satisfied with my answer so refused to lend me that money. Later, I received only 400 Canadian dollar after asking again.
(Months ago in Shanghai China, the wife of my friend(university classmate) wanted to know my privacy(girlfriend) history, and I refused to answer it)
Jialing Yang(杨佳玲)(a US citizen, living in Virginia, cellphone: 703 203 5980): My another cousin, female, US citizen(Immigrated from Shanghai China), once worked in United Nations World Bank, an employee in charge of education investment in China.
Roughly around summer 2015(according to some of my email record), I called and met Ms. Jialing Yang in a Starbucks Coffee, she interrogated me and said to me: “Say, otherwise you cannot stand (torture).” I refused, because I half and vaguely remembered then that Jiazhu Yang wanted to know my privacy.
I wanted to meet Jialing Yang again that same day, she text messaged to me: “I mean I can’t meet”.(according to my old mobile phone record, but I cannot find the date now). She asked me to do a real job.
I am certain Ms. Jialing Yang was driven by CIA and China intelligence.

Grace Smoker, Director of Human Resources, Plasma-Therm LLC located in St. Petersburg, FL 33716, USA
P: +1 727 577 4999 ext 1893 Fax: +1 727 577 6159 , (her mobile number concealed here).
According to my email record, on Aug. 7, 2014 she invited me to have an interview in their company for a sales job.
Sales VP, Plasma-Therm LLC (A middle-height man, his name card lost) On Aug. 25, 2014 I went to this company and met this gentleman for the interview. Only after several words, he encouraged me to tell him my experience from elementary school, I felt strange and tried to go around to talk about my work and university experience. Just after words, he stopped me and went to another room and came back in a minute. Then he simply told me I could not get a job. I did not understand this situation then, but strongly believe that some intelligence officers were manipulating this Sales VP gentleman in that another room when I was taking that 5-10-minute interview. China, Germany, US intelligence want to know what my mother told me about Yang Jiechi, the China top diplomat, when I was a teenage. In fact, I know nothing about Yang Jiechi.
This company also ordered a taxi to send me back to hotel – Holiday Inn(This company booked and paid my travel expenses). On the way back to hotel in that taxi, the driver, an old man, suddenly said loudly “C-I-A”. I understood instantly that CIA wanted to get some information but thought then I did not have anything that CIA would be interested in, I kept silent on the way back to the hotel. Years later I began to understand that US intelligence wants to know something about Mr. Yang Jiechi, the China top diplomat, because he came to my Shanghai home in 1973 and took a picture with my mother in front of my home before he went to UK to study there(according to public media) when I was 13 years old.
Coincidently, on my flight to Plasma-Therm LLC: (according to their email to me)
AIR SEGMENT | 08/23/2014 :: Airline: Delta Air Lines Flight 2081 Confirmation No: GNM6DJ
Takeoff: 10:10 AM Los Angeles, CA | Terminal: 5 Landing: 5:54 PM Tampa, FL
Economy Class [ U ] Class | Airbus Industrie A320-100/200 | Food for Purchase | 4h 44m
Passenger: Yang, Jianye | Ticket #: 006-7424523753 | Seat: 23C
One old gentleman, sitting on my left, talked with a young man(by window) for a long time and then suddenly turned his head to me and asked me”What do you do?”, I replied “Sightseeing” because I perceived he would come to ask me.
One day in 2015 maybe(exact year and date will be checked out later) after I got off the plane in San Diego from Taipei Taiwan, I arrived in a hotel which I booked on internet. Just after I checked in and on the way to my room, a young lady suddenly turned around and accurately and completely and firmly held my wrist beside the stairs to second floor, and I ignored her and left for my room. I suspect she was a CIA agent. Why? Because in China in early June 2014, when I was on a plane from Shanghai to Guangzhou(I sat on an aisle seat), a young lady with short skirt came to my side when the flight lights was off and quickly lay down on my laps face down, my hand felt the coldness of her thigh, and I instantly drew my hand out. I strongly believe she was an China intelligence agent. A man(around 40 years old) sitting beside me by window was also a China intelligence officer I think(evidences later).
In China, my girlfriend, found in marriage-introduction website, once asked me to work as a double spy and I refused. I am not a spy at all. I do not have any relationship with any governments or any military.
When China intelligence attacked me with remote weapons, the words sent from sonic weapon offered me 100 million RMB, and I ignored.
Before fleeing to USA in June 2014, my girlfriend(she was very poor) offered me money on telephone(we did not live in a same place), and I refused. She also said “Are you going to make trouble?”
These countries’ intelligence departments torture me for 7 years to try to find some information from me about Mr. Yang Jiechi. As a matter of fact, my mother never mentioned anything to me about Yang Jiechi.
Sometimes the words sent to my ears said they are testing their new remote weapons.
I am in USA now. I strongly urge US government to stop such cruel tortures on me, and hope diplomats who read this statement urge UN to set up a public hearing on these tortures on me. Thank you!
Jianye(Tony) Yang 杨建业 British passport: 099184556 tonyyangus@gmail.com 973 941 5383
Stop using remote weapons to send sound/words/talking to my ears and head 24hours every day, and Stop using remote weapons to attack my head frequently, CIA!
(At night of Oct. 12, 2017, CIA used remote weapons to wake me up for several times, sending words/talking to disturb me after I was waken up. In the morning of Oct. 13, 2017, CIA used remote weapons to attack my head, making my head very uncomfortable, I had to put my head on table. When going out to Avenel train station, I was almost hit by a big truck. The demonstration signs was hit strongly by this big truck.)
On Oct. 24, 2017, I reported the case of CIA attacking me and making me vomit strongly(explosive bursts) in Newark, and other remote-weapons cruel attacks on me to Mr. Jeff Sessions(Attorney General of USA) by UPS. On the UPS address bill, “Reporting a serious crime” was clearly written. The Department of Justice received it at 9:45am Oct. 25, 2017. But NO any person or FBI has contacted me till now. Mr. Sessions, the top cop USA, should have taken actions to protect me – an innocent person who did nothing wrong. Department of Justice should contact me.
On Oct. 24, 2017, I have also mailed a copy of the letter(to Jeff Sessions) to US Ambassador to UN Ms. Nikki Haley by UPS. This letter a
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